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Why Legos?

They check all the boxes!

So, many may question why we're using legos in order to help increase these children's fine motor skills. Well, that's a very good question. As previously mentioned, my two sisters, when they came to us, were severely behind in their fine motor, but with Samri it was more significant, due to her age. She couldn’t hold a pencil, and that limited her ability to write.When she first arrived, she had difficulty holding things and walking correctly, but as she learned and grew, her ability increased. One day, I was in my room using my Legos, and she came in and started playing with some of my bricks and pieces. She really enjoyed it, and that's where this idea came from. Following this, I met with Dr. Lisa Fiore of Lesley College, and during the discussion, it was firstly brought up that there were several things that children should  be doing at specific ages that increased fine motor control. These included things such as grasping, picking things up, or holding objects between forefinger and thumb. Following this, we discussed which activities could help a child develop fine motor early on in life, and these included things such as beads, lacing, tying shoes, braiding yarn or hair, finger boards, sewing, etc. In summary, a large amount of precise movement and positioning. Legos fill this role through the usage of hands and fingers to put one block on top of another, and click them together. In addition, smaller pieces must be carefully placed in order to make them symmetrical, and even more specialized pieces must be combined in specific ways to work properly. These movements can help a child in their development by challenging them. However, they're also really fun!


The full summary of my project findings can be found here:

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