We will be leaving for Ethiopia at the end of the month which means we need to make a big push to assemble enough bags for the kids at Kidane Mehret. We have sorted approximately 40,000 Legos and are going to carry about 300 pounds of Lego activity kits to Ethiopia. We have sorted the Legos into pieces for useful and creative free play - simple pieces that can become anything! After they're completely sorted we will divide them into bags equally for distribution at Kidane Mehret.
One thing that I should mention is that Legos are not available in Ethiopia for purchase. Our family friends always ask us to bring both Duplo and Legos when we travel to Ethiopia for their own children, so we know that these are toys/tools that are really valued by all with school-age children.
We are also going to be bringing multiple sets to another orphanage in Addis Ababa that specifically serves children with physical special needs. They're really excited to get them!
